Sunday, July 5, 2009

First Quilt Finished & Crinkly!

Here it is, all crinkly and soft. I'm very pleased with it, even though it is as flawed as I am. :)

I think I have to take my machine in for a tune-up now. Stay tuned for more purse goodness soon!


  1. Wow, it looks fantastic! I see no flaws at all just a fantastically well made quilt!

  2. Aww, thanks! 'Course, I didn't highlight the flaws in my pictures. :)

  3. It's fantastic Megan, go on, show us the back too, I love the backing fabric with it!

  4. Ok, I'll take a photo of it tonight. *g* I happen to love it, too, but didn't know others would.

  5. Wow, it's gorgeous! Is it really your first quilt? You have serious talent!


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